Kia ora mai anō whānau!!
I tēnei wiki i hanga pukapuka mātou hei whakamōhio ki te ao me pēhea te whakawhiti haumaru i te rori.
(This week we made a book that tells people how to cross the road safely).
Tītiro mai ki ngā whakaahua o mātou pukapuka, ā, pānuitia hoki! Me mahi pēnei ina ka whakawhiti rori koe.
(Have a look at the photos of our book & have a read as well! Make sure you follow these steps in order to cross the road safely!).
Tiani-"Ko tēnei te uwhi o te pukapuka."
Piata-"Ko tēnei te whārangi tuatahi." Summa-"Do you know how to cross the road safely?"
Tarani-"You have to hold an adult's hand." Evanza-"Don't run across the road."
Sydnei-"This is the ara hīkoi. Make sure you use it when you're crossing the road." Isaac-"Crossing the road on a hill is not safe because you can't see if the car is coming."
Mana-"Ko tēnei ngā raiti whakatohu. Make sure you stop and look both ways." Maraina-"Listen out for cars when crossing the road."
Mihi-"This is the bridge. You can use it to cross the road safely." Kingston-"You have to be careful around cars."
Tiani-"Make sure you cross the road safely." Evanza-"Be careful when crossing the road."
E whā ngā mea hei tuhia ki tō rae ina ka whakawhiti koe i te rori.
Ko te mea tuatahi me TŪ ki te taha o te rori.
Tuarua me TITIRO i ngā taha e rua.
Tuatoru me WHAKARONGO mo ngā motoka.
Te mea mutunga me WHAKAARO mo tōu ake haumarutanga.
There are four things you need to remember to do when crossing the road.
First you have to STOP!
Second you need to LOOK both ways.
Then you need to LISTEN out for cars.
And finally you need to THINK about your own it safe to cross?
We enjoyed learnig about how to cross the road safely and we are making sure that we follow these simple steps.
Keep safe everybody!!
Ka mau te wehi tamariki ma! Keep working hard investigating your problem about how to keep safe on the roads. We need your help!
ReplyDeleteKia ora Whaea Barb!! We will make sure we keep on investigating. :)