Kia ora!!
I te tino harikoa mātou ngā tamariki o rūma 13 me te rūma 3 i te mea i tae mai ngā kaiako o te Kiwi Sport ki te whakaako i a mātou ngā pūkenga o te hākinakina Australian Football League (AFL).
(We were excited this week to have the coaches from Kiwi Sport come and teach us some Australian Football skills. The students from rooms 3 & 13 worked together).
Tirohia ki ngā whakaahua hei kite i te pūkenga i akongia!!
(Have a look at our pictures to see what we learnt!)
Kei te whakarongo ngā tamariki ki ngā tohutohu. (We are listening to the instructions from the coaches).
Ko mātou ngā kaipā i te kēmu tuatahi. Kei te ngaro tētahi atu. Ko te ingoa o te kēmu nei ko Flush. (We are the taggers in our first game called Flush. One of the other taggers had already run off.)
Kei te oma haere mātou kia kaua e pā mai tētahi o ngā kaipā. (We're running around trying to stay away from the taggers).
Kei te noho tītengi a Tarani nā te mea kua pā tētahi o ngā kaipā ki a ia. Kei te tatari mo tētahi ki te whakawātea i a ia mā te 'flush' i tona ringa. (Tarani is squatting because she's been tagged by one of the taggers. She has to wait for someone to come and free her by 'flushing' her, using her hand as the lever). Kāore e roa Tarani!!
Ana! Kua wātea a Tarani naianei!! (Someone has just 'flushed' Tarani and she's free to go!)
Katahi ka mutu te kēmu, ka tatari mo ngā tohutohu. (The game finished and we waited for the next instruction).
Kei te āta whakarongo mātou ki ngā tohutohu kia mōhio me aha. (We're listening very carefully to the instructions so we know what to do).
Ko te pūkenga i akongia e mātou ko te 'drop punt.' I te mahi takirua mātou hei parakitihi taua pūkenga. (We learnt how to 'drop punt.' We worked in pairs and practised the skill we were taught.)
Ānei ētahi whakaahua o mātou e parakitihi ana. (Here are some photos of us practising the 'drop punt.')
I te mutunga i te parakithi taua pūkenga me te whainga kia pā atu te pōro ki tētahi o ngā kaiako. (At the end of the lesson we got to practise the 'drop punt' and our goal was to hit one of the coaches with the ball).
I te tino pai rawa atu te ata nei. He pai hoki te ako i te pūkenga hou. Ā tērā wiki ka ako he pūkenga hou. Mauri ora ki a koutou!!
Ka nui te mahi pai i tenei wiki Room 13! You look like you are having too much fun!
ReplyDeleteKia ora Whaea Barb!! Yes we are having fun & maybe you should join us tomorrrow morning?? :)
DeleteKia ora, ko Tarani and my family tenei. I really really wish we have fun at Sylvia Park School.
ReplyDeleteKia Ora, thank you for teaching Tarani about the school blog and how to use it (because i didn't have a clue) it has been so much fun for our family to see what Room 13 has been doing. Tarani loved seeing herself on the site. Meitaki Rava Atu. Takai Whanau
Kia orana Takai whānau!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting and having a look at our blog. We hope you continue to enjoy seeing what we do here in Room 13. Tēnā rawa atu koutou. Ngā tamariki o rūma 13.