Thursday, 28 March 2013

Kaupapa (Inquiry Week 9)

Kia ora whānau!!

I tīmata mātou te hanga i tētahi āhua o te tuawhenua o Aranui.
(This week we started to make a model of the flowpath on Aranui Road).

Ānei ngā whakaahua e whakaatu ana te raupapa o te hanganga o te āhua.
(Here are some photos showing the process of what we did to make our model).

                                Tuatahi i īnoi atu ki a Bob ina ka taea e ia te hanga te āhua.
                                   (First we asked Bob to make the model with wood).

Kei mua tēnei. (This is the front).
Kei muri tēnei. (This is the back).

Ānei mātou e peita ana i te āhua. I āwhina mai a Whaea Merrin.
(Here we are painting the model. Whaea Merrin helped us).


                  Kātahi ka peita he ara, whakatū he taiapa, me whakatū ngā ipu para mo te rāpihi.
                   (Then we painted a footpath, and put in a fence and rubbish bins for the rubbish).

Ka whakaoti tā mātou āhua ā tērā wiki.
(We will finish making our model next week.)
Mau tonu mai kia kite i aha mātou.
(Stay tuned to find out what else we get up to).


Friday, 22 March 2013

Pānui (Week 8)

Kia ora mai anō

I te wiki nei i pānuitia e te rōpū Kea i te pukapuka 'Pōwhiri.'

Ānei rātou e whakaatu mai ana i aha me te pukapuka 'Pōwhiri.'

(This week the reading group Kea read a book called 'Pōwhiri.'

Here they are showing us what they did with their book.)

Tēnā koutou :) Ko mātou te rōpū Kea. Ānei te pukapuka 'Pōwhiri.'

Tuatahi i whakataurite ngā pikitia me ngā kupu.
(First we had to match up the pictures with the words).

Whaimuri mai ka whakaraupapa te kōrero hei hanga pukapuka anō.
(Next we put the work in order so we could make another 'Pōwhiri' book).

Kātahi ka pānuitia te katoa o te pukapuka me te mutunga o te kōrero.
(Then we read the whole story again including the last page).

Ko te tumanako kua mau i a koutou te tukanga o te pōwhiri.
(We hope that you now know the process of a pōwhiri).
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa kua tae mai ki te whārangi nei.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Mahi Tahi (Week 7)

Kia ora koutou!!

I tēnei wiki i haere mātou ngā tamariki o rūma 13 ki te mahi i te taha o ngā tamariki o rūma 5.
(This week we, the students of room 13 went and worked together with the students of room 5).

I mahi ā rōpū mātou kia ōhio manomano me pēhea te hanga mea hei whakatau i ngā raru o te tuawhenua o Aranui.
(We worked in groups to brainstorm how we could make things to solve the problems at the overland flowpath at Aranui Road).

Ānei ngā whakaahua o mātou e mahi tahi ana ki te ōhio manomano.
(Here are some photos of us working in our groups to brainstorm what we need and how we can make it).

Ko ngā whakaahua e whai ake nei ko mātou whakaaro i te ōhio manomano.
(The following photos show what we came up with in our brainstorms).

Ka mutu taua mahi i noho mātou hei whakapuaki a mātou mahi.
(Once we'd finished our brainstormed we came together to present our brainstorms).
Ānei ngā whakaahua o mātou e whakapuaki ana i a mātou mahi.
(Here are the photos of us presenting our brainstorms, in our groups).

Koina a mātou mahi mo te wiki nei, hoki mai ā tērā wiki kia kite i aha mātou. Mauri Ora ki a koutou!!
(That's all we have for this week, tune in again next week to see what we've been up to).