Friday, 22 February 2013

Tuhinga Taki-Haro (Wk4)

Kia ora mai tātou!!

So this week we wrote a tuhinga taki (recount) about our visit to see Harold the giraffe in the Life Eduaction caravan.

Here are some photos of the students in their groups holding up their drafts and published copies:

Here is the pīpī teina group with their draft & published copies of their Harold stories

Here are some of the teina group with their stories about going to see Harold.

Mana & Piata from the tuakana group showing off their mahi



The following photos show Evanza's planning for her story, then her draft story and finally her published story.

This is the planning sheet that we the teina and tuakana writing groups use to plan our stories before we start writing them.

Once our planning has been checked off by the kaiako we go off and start writing our stories. We have to check for pū matua, ira kati, piko & all the other things that should be in our writing.

Then we publish our story on the rorohiko. We draw a picture on our publishing and then we're finished!!


We hope you enjoyed looking at our writing this week!! We will see you next week!!

Friday, 15 February 2013

Kaupapa (Inquiry) Week 3

Kia ora anō whānau!!

Here are some photos of what we learnt in kaupapa (inquiry) this week.

The students of room 5 and our class have been working together to identify the problems of an overland flowpark we have near our kura.

Miss Amanda and the students of room 5 came to show us how the overland flowpark works.

Tirohia ki ngā pikitia :)

This is Miss Amanda. She is explaining how the water goes through the drain.

Here Miss Amanda and her helper are showing us where the water goes once it hits the drain.

Miss Amanda is about to show us what happens when there's too much water going through the drain.

We can see the water coming out of the drain and straight into the sea.

This picture shows us what happens when the drain is blocked.

The water overflows and fills up the piece of land that its on.


Tena rawa atu koutou ngā tamariki o rūma 5 mo te whakaaturanga. Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou. :)

Now we know why the overland flowpark floods especially in winter!!

Friday, 8 February 2013

Pāngarau Week 2

Kia ora koutou

Here is our pīpī teina pāngarau group. They have been practising writing their numbers from 1 to 20.

"I can write my nama from tahi ki te rua tekau." -Tiani

"I know how to write my numbers." -Jay

"I can practise writing my numbers in pāngarau." -Kingston

"I can write all my numbers." -Summa

"I can write all my nama ki te rua tekau." -Maraina

The pīpī teina used the rārangi tau to help them practise writing their numbers from 1-20.
Our next step is to write the numbers in words.
Kia kaha tātou!!

Friday, 1 February 2013

Ko wai mātou? ...We are the tamariki of rūma 13!!

Kia ora whānau!!

Introducing the tamariki teina & kaimahi o Te Puna Waiora a.k.a Room 13....

Ko Jay tēnei

Ko Summa tēnei

Ko Kingston tēnei

Ko Maraina tēnei

Ko Tiani tēnei

Ko Tarani tēnei

Ko Lucas tēnei

Ko Mihi tēnei

Ko Sydnei tēnei

Ko Evanza tēnei

Ko Jordon tēnei

Ko Faith tēnei

Ko Mana tēnei

Ko Piata tēnei

Ko Isaac tēnei

Ko Matua T a.k.a Te Rata tēnei. Ko ia te kaiāwhina/kaiārahi i te reo. (This is Matua T. He is our teacher aide).

Ko Van ahau. Ko au te kaiako. (My name is Van & I am the teacher).