Kia ora koutou!
I te wiki nei i whakaaroaro mātou mo ngā raru ka puta i a mātou e haere mai ana i te kura.
(This week we were reflecting on hazards that we see on the way to school).
I mahi whakaari mātou, ā, ko te tikanga kia whakaaro he aha te tūmomo raru kei te whakaatu.
(We did role plays and the other half of the class had to guess what hazard we were acting out).
Ānei ngā whakaahua.
(Here are some photos).
Friday, 19 April 2013
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Community Consultation Day (Week 11)
Kia ora whānau!!
Kāore mātou i tuku mahi i tērā wiki. He wiki poto, toru noa iho ngā rā, kāore i whai wā ki te tuku mahi heoi anō ānei a mātou mahi mo tēnei wiki.
(Well we didn't post up any work from what we did last week. It was a short week and we did have a lot of mahi to do. However here's our mahi from this week).
Mo te Kaupapa i tirohia mātou me pēhea te whakatau i ngā raru i tāututia e mātou i te tuawhenua o Aranui. I tāututia e mātou te raru me te rāpihi i taua whenua, arā, i whakaaro mātou me whakatū ngā ipu para hei whakatau i taua raru. Korekau hoki he ara i taua whenua nā reira i whakaaro mātou me whai te ara hei pai ake mo ngā tangata ka haere mā raro, mo ngā kai eke paihikara hoki hei whai i te huarahi.
(For Inquiry we were looking at finding possible solutions for issues that we had identifed with our problem areas. Our class had to look at the overland flowpath on Aranui and we identified two issues with two possible solutions. Issue one was that there was a lot of rubbish lying around on the ground and the overland flowpath so our solution was to put in a couple of rubbish bins so people can use them instead of throwing their rubbish on the ground. Our second issue was that there was no footpath, meaning pedestrians and cyclists had to walk or cycle on the grass. We thought that putting in a footpath that lead from one end of the overland flowpath to the other end would solve that issue).
Inanahi i haere mai ngā tangata o te hāpori ki te whakarongo, ki te kite hoki i ngā mahi i mahia e ngā tamariki o SPS hei whakatau i ngā raru.
(Yesterday was our community consultation day where the community got to come in and have a look and see what changes we are wanting to make around our community).
Ānei ngā whakaahua o te hui inanahi.
(Here are some photos from yesterday's community consultation day).
Kāore mātou i tuku mahi i tērā wiki. He wiki poto, toru noa iho ngā rā, kāore i whai wā ki te tuku mahi heoi anō ānei a mātou mahi mo tēnei wiki.
(Well we didn't post up any work from what we did last week. It was a short week and we did have a lot of mahi to do. However here's our mahi from this week).
Mo te Kaupapa i tirohia mātou me pēhea te whakatau i ngā raru i tāututia e mātou i te tuawhenua o Aranui. I tāututia e mātou te raru me te rāpihi i taua whenua, arā, i whakaaro mātou me whakatū ngā ipu para hei whakatau i taua raru. Korekau hoki he ara i taua whenua nā reira i whakaaro mātou me whai te ara hei pai ake mo ngā tangata ka haere mā raro, mo ngā kai eke paihikara hoki hei whai i te huarahi.
(For Inquiry we were looking at finding possible solutions for issues that we had identifed with our problem areas. Our class had to look at the overland flowpath on Aranui and we identified two issues with two possible solutions. Issue one was that there was a lot of rubbish lying around on the ground and the overland flowpath so our solution was to put in a couple of rubbish bins so people can use them instead of throwing their rubbish on the ground. Our second issue was that there was no footpath, meaning pedestrians and cyclists had to walk or cycle on the grass. We thought that putting in a footpath that lead from one end of the overland flowpath to the other end would solve that issue).
Inanahi i haere mai ngā tangata o te hāpori ki te whakarongo, ki te kite hoki i ngā mahi i mahia e ngā tamariki o SPS hei whakatau i ngā raru.
(Yesterday was our community consultation day where the community got to come in and have a look and see what changes we are wanting to make around our community).
Ānei ngā whakaahua o te hui inanahi.
(Here are some photos from yesterday's community consultation day).
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Kaupapa (Inquiry Week 9)
Kia ora whānau!!
I tīmata mātou te hanga i tētahi āhua o te tuawhenua o Aranui.
(This week we started to make a model of the flowpath on Aranui Road).
Ānei ngā whakaahua e whakaatu ana te raupapa o te hanganga o te āhua.
(Here are some photos showing the process of what we did to make our model).
Tuatahi i īnoi atu ki a Bob ina ka taea e ia te hanga te āhua.
(First we asked Bob to make the model with wood).
Kātahi ka peita he ara, whakatū he taiapa, me whakatū ngā ipu para mo te rāpihi.
(Then we painted a footpath, and put in a fence and rubbish bins for the rubbish).
I tīmata mātou te hanga i tētahi āhua o te tuawhenua o Aranui.
(This week we started to make a model of the flowpath on Aranui Road).
Ānei ngā whakaahua e whakaatu ana te raupapa o te hanganga o te āhua.
(Here are some photos showing the process of what we did to make our model).
Tuatahi i īnoi atu ki a Bob ina ka taea e ia te hanga te āhua.
(First we asked Bob to make the model with wood).
Kei mua tēnei. (This is the front). |
Kei muri tēnei. (This is the back). Ānei mātou e peita ana i te āhua. I āwhina mai a Whaea Merrin. (Here we are painting the model. Whaea Merrin helped us). |
(Then we painted a footpath, and put in a fence and rubbish bins for the rubbish).
Ka whakaoti tā mātou āhua ā tērā wiki.
(We will finish making our model next week.)
Mau tonu mai kia kite i aha mātou.
(Stay tuned to find out what else we get up to).
Friday, 22 March 2013
Pānui (Week 8)
Kia ora mai anō
I te wiki nei i pānuitia e te rōpū Kea i te pukapuka 'Pōwhiri.'
Ānei rātou e whakaatu mai ana i aha me te pukapuka 'Pōwhiri.'
(This week the reading group Kea read a book called 'Pōwhiri.'
Here they are showing us what they did with their book.)
I te wiki nei i pānuitia e te rōpū Kea i te pukapuka 'Pōwhiri.'
Ānei rātou e whakaatu mai ana i aha me te pukapuka 'Pōwhiri.'
(This week the reading group Kea read a book called 'Pōwhiri.'
Here they are showing us what they did with their book.)
Tēnā koutou :) Ko mātou te rōpū Kea. Ānei te pukapuka 'Pōwhiri.'
Tuatahi i whakataurite ngā pikitia me ngā kupu.
(First we had to match up the pictures with the words).
Whaimuri mai ka whakaraupapa te kōrero hei hanga pukapuka anō.
(Next we put the work in order so we could make another 'Pōwhiri' book).
Kātahi ka pānuitia te katoa o te pukapuka me te mutunga o te kōrero.
(Then we read the whole story again including the last page).
Ko te tumanako kua mau i a koutou te tukanga o te pōwhiri.
(We hope that you now know the process of a pōwhiri).
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa kua tae mai ki te whārangi nei.
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